Have you ever heard a silly statement that spells: Women come from Venus and Man come Mars.
I always wonder what is the meaning, but all is become clear when I has already experienced it.
Psycholog and other wise person have some argument that women use heart, men don't, they use logic.
I think that is irrational argument untill I realize that I has gone wrong. The argument is right. Women do use heart, or fell like emotional better than men, whom use much of logic than emotional.
Okay, now I will focus on my point. Suppose we agree that former argument. But my highlight is: not only men, women still have/use a logic.
I called it women's logic. I find something new here. I consider myself has been familiar with those: women are emotional, women use heart. However I have no idea about women's logic. Zero. Blank.
I try to search every pieces of information then arrange it as big picture, the result is, I see dark picture. On other words, I always wrong in interpret about women's logic.
There's something wrong. I consider that I never really understand women logic.
Finally, my friend, sent a quote: never plans your future with someone that has no future plans for themselves.
Eureka. I see the clue.
I think this is a piece of women's logic.
Women want a future.
What kind of future? Planned future.
What is "planned" refers to? Safe. Happily.
That's the end. I think women's logic is so simple, doesn't it?. Simple but detailed. So why do men is so hard to understand? Because men's think is too complex and big. Like one divided by zero.
So, as a man, I have to understand women's heart as well as women's logic.
Women's logic is usually be unspoken. But don't we know, that the deepest communication is to hear the unspoken words?
Good Evening.
Late Night Comptemplation.
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