Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Emosi Sebagai Pemblokir Ingatan (2/24)

Akhirnya saya melanjutkan pos tanggal 10 April lalu tentang ingatan, kali ini akan membahas tentang pemblokiran ingatan yg disebabkan emosi. Silakan menyimak.

Kebanyakan orang-orang merasa bingung jika mereka lupa pada apa yang mereka ingin atau perlu ingat. Lupa bisa terjadi akibat pemblokiran ingatan. Salah satu pemicunya adalah emosi.

Hal ini terjadi karena ketidakpedulian terhadap sesuatu hal, konflik pikiran, atau karena ingin melindungi diri dari suatu kenangan yang buruk.

Yang harus dilakukan adalah: membuang pemblokiran emosi tersebut (lari), mengembangkan strategi baru (hadapi) atau berteman dengan pemblokiran ini (berteman).

Yang penting adalah jangan membuang suatu pemblokiran sampai yakin bahwa anda dapat yakin hidup tanpa itu. (Ingat bahwa salah satu penyebab pemblokiran adalah untuk melindungi diri).


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Women's Logic

Have you ever heard a silly statement that spells: Women come from Venus and Man come Mars.
I always wonder what is the meaning, but all is become clear when I has already experienced it.

Psycholog and other wise person have some argument that women use heart, men don't, they use logic.

I think that is irrational argument untill I realize that I has gone wrong. The argument is right. Women do use heart, or fell like emotional better than men, whom use much of logic than emotional.

Okay, now I will focus on my point. Suppose we agree that former argument. But my highlight is: not only men, women still have/use a logic.

I called it women's logic. I find something new here. I consider myself has been familiar with those: women are emotional, women use heart. However I have no idea about women's logic. Zero. Blank.

I try to search every pieces of information then arrange it as big picture, the result is, I see dark picture. On other words, I always wrong in interpret about women's logic.
There's something wrong. I consider that I never really understand women logic.

Finally, my friend, sent a quote: never plans your future with someone that has no future plans for themselves.

Eureka. I see the clue.

I think this is a piece of women's logic.
Women want a future.
What kind of future? Planned future.
What is "planned" refers to? Safe. Happily.

That's the end. I think women's logic is so simple, doesn't it?. Simple but detailed. So why do men is so hard to understand? Because men's think is too complex and big. Like one divided by zero.

So, as a man, I have to understand women's heart as well as women's logic.
Women's logic is usually be unspoken. But don't we know, that the deepest communication is to hear the unspoken words?

Good Evening.
Late Night Comptemplation.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Colour Blue?

When I want to hear good ballad song, I always set on "Crazy" by Aerosmith.
The lyrics is so good but the soul is more.

One of the best part is when he sing:
".... crazy crazy crazy for you baby...
what i can do honey?
.... i feel like a colour blue..."

So what is the meaning of i feel like a colour blue?

I do have a satisfy answer of it, but may be it can meant: I was very sad. This reason come from the origin of music blues, where the blues music is identic with misery.

It is my answer. Not quite satisfy?
Nevermind. I feel like the colour blue.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Travelling Back

Travelling back to 2005, when I entered high school. I was so blind, know nothing, came from unpopular junior high school. I didn't had dreams here. So, I just medioker student with average mark.

Travelling back to 2006, when I decided to enter Listen then was elected as Head. That's great interval but I got my lowest mark here.

Travelling back to 2007, when I chose STEI ITB as my dream faculty. Everytime I did was study, study and study. I knew that I had to study hard, STEI had highest rating of passing grade.

Travelling back to 2008, when I got STEI ITB in my hand. I became arrogant person. I thought I was clever so I never took study anymore. Poor me, I regret this interval.

Travelling back to 2009, when I met beautiful girl from Medan. Let say that I called her "the girl". We joined Unit of Culture together. But I must forget her for a long, maybe forever.

Travelling back to 2010, when lectures became so hard. My best friends was created here, Panjaitan, Sihombing, Situmorang, Dozeno. They were all so extraordinary person. Proud to be friend of them.

Travelling back to 2011, when SMAN3 became my second place. I had memory with Listeners, the fellowship of christian student of SMAN3.

Travelling back to 2012, when I had to finish final project. The girl came back. It was hard time, among finish my study, forget her and get assigment job.

Travelling back to 2013, I was so sad because of 6 years emptyness.

Dreaming forward of 2014, I have to build my home.

Dreaming forward of 2015, I have to no idea to imagine. Now I just pray for future

I pray for "The Girl", hoping she'll find the best mate.
I pray for my best friends, hoping that they would be the best too in their life.
I pray for myself, hoping I bring my dreams come true.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Seberapa Banyak Kita Mengingat (1/24)

Otak manusia lazimnya mengandung 15-100 milyar sel otak (neuron). Otak adalah tempat yang amat besar di ruang yang amat kecil.

Otak menyimpan informasi-informasi yang ada dan mereka melakukan evaluasi atas itu. Ingatan yang baik adalah ingatan yang selektif yaitu mengingat apa yang harus diingat. Bila kita mengingat semua hal maka kita akan lumpuh karena kelebihan beban informasi (Science Digest, Nov 1983).
Otak akan melakukan sebuah pemblokiran.

Apakah itu pemblokiran? Mari kita lihat di bab selanjutnya.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pasti Pusing Deh Bacanya: Kata Tidak

Tidak ada kata tidak selama ketidakadaan suatu kata tidak yang tidak dapat tidak dijelaskan oleh suatu ketidakjelasan suatu kata tidak yang berujung pada ketidakpastian.

Suatu kata tidak tidak dapat dikatakan tidak valid jika tidak melalui suatu ketidakpercayaan yang bersumber kepada tidak adanya suatu tindakan yang tidak dapat tidak mungkin dilakukan.

Sejujurnya aku berkata tulisan ini tidak berguna dan tidak penting karena tidak mencakup banyak ketidaklogisan yang mau tidak mau membuat sebuah distorsi pikiran yang tidak lazim.

Secara tidak langsung, pikiran bawah sadar akan menyerap kata tidak yang tidak diucapkan secara langsung dan tidak sengaja lalu dengan tidak terlalu sukar kata tidak ini akan membekas didalamnya.

Belajarlah berkata tidak pada hal yang tidak menjadi prioritas. Sepertinya sepele, namun tidak dengan realisasinya yang tidak mudah.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Persamaan Kehidupan

Akan saya tunjukan suatu rumus dalam kehidupan. Tentunya ini versi saya.

1. Usaha + Doa = Tindakan Positif

2. Tindakan Positif + Keberuntungan = Hasil Positif.

Usaha + Doa + Keberuntungan = Hasil Positif.

NB: Usaha disini mencakup bekerja/belajar/pedekate atau jenis usaha lainnya. Berdoa itu lebih kepada hubungan vertikal keatas. Keduanya akan membawa kepada suatu Tindakan Positif, sedangkan Keberuntungan itu adalah lebih kepada anugrah.

Terakhir, Hasil Positif merujuk kepada tercapainya tujuan.

Ada sanggahan????? Hehe